To request a block of electronic PRO numbers please complete the form below.Â
This information will be used to generate a block of PRO numbers for your company’s use, typically within 1-2 business days. The PRO numbers block will be emailed to the contact information below. We ask that you request enough PRO numbers for a 12 month period of business.
Additional Information Prior to Requesting:
- Multiple Locations: You are able to use one block of PRO numbers across multiple origin shipping locations. You do not have to request a separate block for each location.
- Check Digit: These PRO numbers are used sequentially and do not have a check digit.
- Barcode: It is preferred that the PRO number be on the bill of lading in human readable and barcode format. The barcode format can be either code 39 or code 128. The barcode should include any leading zeros and must be 11 digits.
Example: PRO 1234567 in barcode format should be 00001234567
- Handling Unit Labeling: It is preferred that each handling unit has the PRO number displayed in both human readable and barcode format.